Hoag Hospital

Hoag Hospital
Figured it fit for divorce

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Divorce - Love Lost - Lust Relived - Do Not Sleep with the X

Divorce Sucks!

Emotions run high -

One thing to keep in mind as a man - do not sleep with your future X during the divorce process -

Why ? Your thinking  . . . she's easy  . . I'm all frisky  . . . .  that's how you started this whole mess before you were married!

The main reason for not sleeping with your future X is it resets the separation clock.

what is this?
Why is this important?

Because you have to pay the X for half the time you were married (if there were no kids involved.) Typically they set the date as the last time you had marital relations-

Guess what?

You sleep with her in moment of weakness,  emotional upheaval, you're screwed!
Literally - all the time you were separated just got thrown out the window!

Let's say your in California , you have not had sex with your wife for two years  . . you're ten years into marriage, sitting in your lawyers office, telling him the sob story about being dry for two years in the marriage , guess what? a talented lawyer will try to get you credit for time away from the sack.
Why is this important?
At the ten year mark you pay the X   spousal support for ever ,let me repeat for ever, or until she remarries whichever comes first. Pray for the remarry.

So don't do it, you will be back in the saddle soon enough , no reason to muddy the waters. You will hate yourself in the morning, if not the morning, you will in court.

It happens often enough, you will learn to recognize the guys who do, the hallways of family court are littered with them -
Consider yourself lucky you are reading this -
You don't want to be that guy!

Once you make the decision to divorce , divorce - Can't say it any simpler -
Maybe counseling will put a band-aid on the arterial bleeding you call a marriage. It can work , you wind up knocking it out with the wife - Smack! - Reset the clock!! Sure it is fun, familiar etc . . . but not worth it.

Wow, it is late

More to follow


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